James Cook Sailing Weekend

Twelve scouts were lucky enough to spend a weekend sailing aboard the James Cook (a 70 foot ketch owned by the Ocean Youth Trust North). The weekend included learning how to work as a team to sail the boat, sailing out at sea, navigating up the river Tyne in the dark, spending the night tied up to Newcastle Quayside and learning how to live together in cramped conditions.

Havanna Three Hills nature reserve Volunteers

A small group of Cubs & Scouts attended the nature reserve to help the rangers clear undergrowth from a hedge row planted by our scouts on a previous visit. We had to find it first!


The group did Central Gosforth proud with the rangers commenting “what a great group of kids & they worked so hard”


West end food bank visit

In preparation for Harvest festival the cubs were visited by a lady from the west end food bank.

She explained to us how anybody could be in need of their service due to changes in their family circumstances. We also learnt how to use food most effectively. The food bank were very grateful to receive our donations.

Group BBQ

Scouts & young leaders running games
Group BBQ

The executive committee once again organised our annual social get together, with families of all sections attending a Friday night BBQ on All Saints Church green.

Thanks go to Scouts and young leaders for running games to raise funds for the upcoming Tall Ships sailing weekend, and to Lewis for organising and setting them up. The raffle was a success helped by kind donations from parents and friends.


Cubs on Tynemouth Beach
Learning surf skills on Tynemouth Beach

In another first for Central Gosforth 18 Cubs were joined by our young, and not so young, leaders for a surf instruction session before taking to the water at Tynemouth on what you can see was another gloriously sunny Friday night.